Discharge Planners | Social Workers | Case Management | Physician Practices
Let us help.
Sensitive conversations and next steps
We're experts in having these sensitive, personal conversations. Patients are often referred to hospice without fully understanding the hospice benefit. We can let them know exactly what to expect, and give them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
Placement Assistance
We are familiar with lots of local facilities, and can ensure all necessary supplies and equipment are at the patient's discharge destination - whether that be an assisted living home, a skilled nursing facility, or a personal residence.
Careplan reviews
We facilitate discussions between patients and their families to ensure patient preferences are noted and honored. We're able and available to discuss the illness trajectory and POLST code status.
We're available
We are available 24/7. We do assessments and admissions within 24 hours of referral. Our RN Case Managers, as well as our Hospice Pharmacy Benefit Manager are also available 24/7 to review active symptoms and pharmaceutical interventions to make sure our patients are comfortable.